Monday, November 30, 2009

Friday, November 27, 2009

Friday, November 20, 2009

Abbas: People must resist

Hamas spokesman Fawzi Barhoum said, "He is suffering from a condition of political, legal and constitutional bankruptcy and he wants to cast all his failures on the Hamas movement, while whining about the failure in his relations with the Zionist enemy." ... read more

Call White House, Ask for Barack


Ynet Talkback

There has been a parade of liberals running through Israel and the surrounding areas, everyone from John Kerry to Dennis Kucinich. These lovers of peace yearn to do for the Jewish State what they did for Cambodia. Having learned nothing from the Pol Pot experience, they yet again insist that there exists a struggle between the cruel forces of Western imperialism and the persecuted indigenous peoples who are represented by freedom fighters….and while those freedom fighters pledge to commit genocide, let's not be overly concerned by the heated rhetoric of the moment.

Sure, the Palestinians may say they want to kill Jews, but what they mean is that they want peaceful coexistence with their cherished Jewish brethren.

It is the same recurring liberal fable that has literally claimed millions of innocent lives worldwide. Once more, the Democratic Party cannot distinguish between good and evil, even when evil is screaming at the top of its lungs about the atrocities it intends to commit. To Kerry and company, the problem is not the genocidal maniacs, be they the Khmer Rouge or the Viet Cong or Fatah or Hamas. The problem as they see it is that America's ally is imperfect. The solution as they see it - as liberals always see it - is to appease implacable murderers. And the more that strategy leads to mass murder, the more convinced liberals become that it is the only true way to peace.

Yet none dare call it insanity.

Italian women disappointed by Gaddafi "party"

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Third Intafada???

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Thursday, November 19, 2009

Aljazeera-Israel Discriminates

read the article and then go to the link to saudi arabia in the actual state department report. Fair and accurate reporting.

Implications of U.S. Military Training of Palestinian Security Forces,

Our friend Dayton... read more

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Unilateralism is our only option

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MK Ariel to Abbas: Make My Day, Declare Statehood

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PA State and EU

Speaking for the EU, Swedish foreign minister Carl Bildt said: "I would hope we would be in a position to recognize a Palestinian state but there has to be one first. So I think that is a bit premature... We would be ready to recognize a Palestinian state but conditions are not there as of yet.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Clinton and demography

Clinton noted that two things remain unchanged since slain prime minister Yitzhak Rabin spoke on the White House lawn in 1993: geography and demographics. He said that the Palestinians have more children than Israelis can have, adding that it is only a matter of time until Palestinian rockets have navigational systems, and they will be able to kill more people. Therefore, it is urgent that the Israelis and the Palestinians make peace... read more

Palestinians unveil two-year development plan for statehood

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Obama's failure, Netanyahu's opportunity

The shocking truth is that the demographic threat is an empty threat.
The demographic doomsday scenarios for Israel are all based on falsified
Palestinian census data from 1997 that inflated the number of
Palestinians in Israel, Judea, Samaria and Gaza by 50%. As the
independent American-Israel Demographic Research Group demonstrated in
early 2005, Israel has no reason to be concerned that by maintaining its
control over Judea and Samaria, it will become a majority Arab state.
Today, the combined population ofIsrael and Judea and Samaria leaves
Jews with a two-thirds majority. With Jewish immigration and fertility
rates rising, negative Arab immigration rates, and decreasing Arab
fertility rates, the long-term projections for Israel's demographic
viability are all positive...

Intel protest reveals haredi hypocrisy

I wonder how many people are getting very sick!
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Friday, November 13, 2009

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

The holy pilgrimage

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On 'exorcising' Israel bashers from the Jewish mainstream

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The Jew Flu: The strange illness of Jewish anti-Semitism

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Delusional Congressional Vote

Publicly, Hamas leaders have stated time and again that the lull is a
Palestinian national interest. On several occasions, Hamas members have
arrested Fatah operatives who were involved in firing at Israel and
confiscated their more

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Rabin record straight

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Ynet talkback- The people get it!

Who will destroy Israel first, Hamas/Fatah OR our own Jews? While the Pales may declare a state (67borders), J St is happy at their conference of 1200 shouting supporters of what is tantamount to Islamic Jihad, AND Israel's ultimate demise. Olmert and Livni don't get it, the Arabs want Israel Judenrein (sans Jews). They are jerks, gullible, wishful thinkers, who are intimidated by US. 1200 Israelis were murdered after Oslo1. 3,000 Americans were murdered at 911, WHILE Oslo was going on. Yet we Jews are blamed. This is not now, and never has been about Jew loving Arab/and vica versa. It's about an Arab state from the Med. to the Jordan River..and beyond. While Ahmad threatens we Jews, (40,000 suicide bombers worldwide), the IAEA head says not to worry, Qom is alright guys..just a bunker. Forget Ahmads rhetoric, after all, Begin changed his mind about the Pales existence. The head of Turkey likes the head of Sudan..better than Bibi (Bibi is a Jew). Funny, Bibi never killed 200,000 blacks..while the Sudanese Pres. gives the finger to the world court of justice. Here that Goldstone? To Israel: you are at war for your survival, get that into your thick heads.