Wednesday, June 24, 2009

The Debate About Israeli Settlements

How To Help the Palestinian People

by Khaled Abu Toameh
Walid Omari, the head of the Qatar-based satellite TV station's operations in the West Bank, told Reporters Without Borders that his crew was preparing a report on the death of a detainee at the Palestinian Authority detention center in Hebron that might have been the result of torture... read more


The War Of Words That Israel Must Start Winning

Israel-bashing has become a national sport in many morel

Palestinians were made to pay an unfair price

Their refusal to accept the Partition Plan of more
Haaretz talkback
Ganz suffers from a syndrome in which born Jews hope that by accepting the cause of enemies of the Jews, they & the Jews will be spared the consequences of anti-Semitism. Sufferers of this syndrome truly believe in the false hope that those who hate Jews will change their attitude once Jews paliate one demand or another. It`s sick.

Obama's Wobbliness Is a Great Danger to Israel

by Mortimer Zuckerman
Obama's rhetoric only emboldens terrorists..
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