Friday, January 8, 2010

Moslem human rights


Peace in Gaza

Stop making excuses for the gazans. They could feed themselves if (1) they did not put all their money toward weaponry (2) stopped all violence toward Israel and started working in their fields (3) made damn sure there would be no more rockets fired into Israel.(4) had leaders that were concerned for the welfare of its people (5) had leaders that did not steal everything of value from its people (6) had a mentality to live Now not die now (7) didn`t have idiot nations continually giving billions in aid and getting NOTHING in value back (8) having foreigners like yourself making excuses why the palestinians live in a cesspool (9) your accepting the fact that arabs have 22 countries that do not allow jews in or let christians pray their way--talk about apartheid (10) LET THE JEWS LIVE IN PEACE IN THEIR OWN LITTLE COUNTRY- It is a disgrace unto Allah that the people of the book are not allowed to live in peace in their holy land.

Viva Palestina
