Sunday, August 22, 2010

Two State delusion


Iran off the hook?

Only a matter of

Will all hell break loose in Iraq??

If so, hopefully before November

Why force two states on Arabs

Why is the world trying to force Arabs to live under a Hamas or Fatah dictatorship? Israel Arabs get hysterical when Lieberman suggested that they live under the PA rulers. They want Israel! The Arabs of Jerusalem are flocking to the Jewish city afraid that the PA will grab them one day... Just because the Nobel laureates Rabin and Peres liberated Arafat from Tunisia, it does not mean that the Arabs of the former west bank of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan should be imprisoned under Hamas or Fatah. The economy is booming the housing is spectacular and the quartet wants to end the good nasty!

No surprises. Doomed talks

Asked why the PA had dropped its conditions for launching direct talks with Israel, the official explained: "The Palestinian Authority faced unprecedented and immense pressure from the Americans and some Europeans. We were not able to resist the pressure." With the exception of the PLO Executive Committee, an unelected body dominated by Abbas loyalists, Palestinians across the political spectrum were united in denouncing the PA's "capitulation."

3 States in Iraq

Obama catastrophe brewing..readof course one state in Palestine!

Israel's Economy


Israel Exports

Asia up!