Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Rabin record straight

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Ynet talkback- The people get it!

Who will destroy Israel first, Hamas/Fatah OR our own Jews? While the Pales may declare a state (67borders), J St is happy at their conference of 1200 shouting supporters of what is tantamount to Islamic Jihad, AND Israel's ultimate demise. Olmert and Livni don't get it, the Arabs want Israel Judenrein (sans Jews). They are jerks, gullible, wishful thinkers, who are intimidated by US. 1200 Israelis were murdered after Oslo1. 3,000 Americans were murdered at 911, WHILE Oslo was going on. Yet we Jews are blamed. This is not now, and never has been about Jew loving Arab/and vica versa. It's about an Arab state from the Med. to the Jordan River..and beyond. While Ahmad threatens we Jews, (40,000 suicide bombers worldwide), the IAEA head says not to worry, Qom is alright guys..just a bunker. Forget Ahmads rhetoric, after all, Begin changed his mind about the Pales existence. The head of Turkey likes the head of Sudan..better than Bibi (Bibi is a Jew). Funny, Bibi never killed 200,000 blacks..while the Sudanese Pres. gives the finger to the world court of justice. Here that Goldstone? To Israel: you are at war for your survival, get that into your thick heads.