Thursday, September 30, 2010

Tuesday, September 28, 2010


find any flaws??

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Lieberman and Arab Loyalty

all citizens of Israel are equal under the law. and those who are law
abiding are prospering mightily. that is why so many minorities get
hysterical when they hear that someone is suggesting territorial (not
population ) exchange. after all, why would an arab in uhm el faham want
to leave under a PA flag. he knows they are cutthroat gangsters and
israel arabs have never had it so good. indeed, very few west bank arabs
want to live under a arafat/fatah/abbas/hamas murderous regime. they
would almost all prefer to live under an israeli jewish flag. just ask
the 60,000 arabs who fled into jerusalem municipal borders when the
separation fence started to appear! the talkbacks

Arab Israelis and Lieberman

someone is thinking

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Lieberman and the freeze

there are things that a galut jew understands about global politics better than some of the home grown he understands what kissing up to Israel's enemies gets nothing!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Theater of the absurd


Israel Creed



PLO demand for all of Jerusalem, rather than just "eastern" Jerusalem.  See JPost of August 8 of last year, when the Fatah (the controlling party of the PA) held its conference. The sixth Fatah General Assembly decreed on Saturday that the return of both east and west Jerusalem to Palestinian control was a ‘red line’ which was nonnegotiable...Israel Radio reported. According to the report, a document adopted by the delegates of the assembly declared that Fatah would ‘continue to sacrifice victims until residents of Jerusalem are free of settlements and settlers.’  The document went on to state that all of Jerusalem, including the surrounding villages, belonged to the Palestinians, and lands conquered following the Six-Day war shared the same status as those located within the green line.”(Emphasis added)The call for "eastern" Jerusalem is bogus -- a stage in the infamous PLO "Strategy of Stages"  -- with the ultimate intention being to take all of our city.

anthrax threat

please watch!...moderates pursuant to your warning. gmar tov

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Monday, September 6, 2010

demography and policy

a numbers game in the middle

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Obama loses to the Zionists

what a pathetic joke...Siegman...great Jewish middle east

Friday, September 3, 2010

MK Tzipi Hotovely One State Plan

read any rational person understands that israel cannot agree to an armed terrorist state supported by iran and hamas on any part of the west bank. for 100 years and in the forseeable future there has been and will not be a genuine partner for peace. the status of military rule over the west bank must end. the vast majority of the arab population on the west bank very well appreciates and understands the value of a blue israeli identity card. almost no israeli arab fled the "apartheid racist" zionist jewish state of israel to live under the tyranny of the PA. the one stateplan was
clearly presented back in november 2003.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

distorted zionism

read the commentaries and get

Mubarak: NYTimes

all three baraks agree that Israel must

Barak the great Negotiator

Barak got it right in 2000 Camp David. Just a bit to early...