Saturday, April 25, 2009

Beached Whales

Is the Beached Whale the economic, social and political system itself? I think what is missing in most of the reporting going on in the mainstream media is that we are experiencing a general crisis of the whole economic system. The best analysis I have seen so far puts forth the position that our present capitalist economic, social and political system is a victim of its own success. With the robotic and electronic revolution well under way we are replacing manual labor as we know it. And that is not necessarily a bad thing. If we can get machines to do the back breaking work in the factories, mines etc. then that should be a plus for humanity. But unfortunately they haven't figured out how to get the robots to buy back what they produce. And with a system still based on the premise that you have to have a job to earn a wage to buy the necessaries of life and there are no have an irreconcilable contradiction. The profits and market system can no longer function to meet the needs of the majority of society. With Globalization there is an evening up process with the spread of the technology.... and rather then bringing the rest of the worlds workers up to the living standard we have enjoyed...our standard of living is being driven down to theirs. I used to think it was a big conspiracy by the elite but now I believe that every economic system has its own objective motion and laws. The people in power have no control over what is happening either. It is always better to be able to rule with the consent of the ruled. They think that if they just throw more of our taxpayer money at the problem it will go away. Every day you see another fascist type attack on our constitution. The system is based on competition to increase their profits. So they can't not compete. What we must move towards is some sort of cooperative, non-ideological economic system that can meet the needs of the population of the entire globe. And with the new technology we can meet those needs. In the proper hands we could eliminate world hunger, homelessness, disease etc. in a very short time. Let this Beached Whale die! read more

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