Friday, May 1, 2009

Abu Mazan has spoken

The verdict is in. The experiment in Gaza and Lebanon proves that Arab leadership has no interest in creating  peaceful societies living alongside Israel in harmony and tolerance.

Therefore, we hereby declare that the occupation and administration of the West Bank has been terminated. 

The entire West Bank without exception is declared to be an integral part of the State of Israel.

The Palestinian Authority is hereby disbanded. All quasi-governmental agencies, militia groups and organizations and entities hostile to the Jewish State of Israel are ordered to be disbanded. All weapons are to be deposited with local Israeli police and military authorities.

Residents of the West Bank who accept the authority of Israel will be candidates for permanent residency and/or citizenship. Others will be relocated to the Gaza Strip and elsewhere with appropriate financial consideration. 

Regional governance will assure the Jewish character of the State of Israel and protect the civil and religious rights of all peoples.  

Arabs who have escaped from the West Bank into pre-1967 Israel will be welcome to return to their homes on the West Bank

An era of prosperity, social reform and political stability will come after the removal of the current violent, corrupt leadership.  

Oslo, Camp David, Roadmap, Annapolis, and all two-state solutions have at least five irreconcilable differences: final borders, status of Jerusalem, return of “refugees”, status of 500,000+ Jews living across the Green Line, and recognition of Israel as the Jewish national home.

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