Sunday, May 10, 2009

How Dare the Jews Dig in King David's Backyard?

Parks Fortify Israel's Claim to Jerusalem

Published: Sunday, May 10, 2009 at 5:13 a.m.
Last Modified: Sunday, May 10, 2009 at 5:13 a.m.

JERUSALEM — Israel is quietly carrying out a $100 million, multiyear development plan in some of the most significant religious and national heritage sites just outside the walled Old City here as part of an effort to strengthen the status of Jerusalem as its capital.

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Palestinians sit among billboards promoting park space on land widely seen as the ancient capital of the biblical King David.
Rina Castelnuovo for The New York Times

The plan, parts of which have been outsourced to a private group that is simultaneously buying up Palestinian property for Jewish settlement in East Jerusalem, has drawn almost no public or international scrutiny. However, certain elements related to it — the threatened destruction of unauthorized Palestinian housing in the redevelopment areas, for example — have brought widespread condemnation.

But as Pope Benedict XVI prepares to visit Christian sites here this week and as the Obama administration promotes a Palestinian state with parts of Jerusalem as its capital, Israeli activity in the area, known as the holy basin — land both inside and just outside the Old City — will be cause for growing concern and friction.

"Everything Israel does now will be highly contentious," said Robert H. Serry, the United Nations special Middle East coordinator, on a recent tour of East Jerusalem. He warned the Israeli authorities "not to take actions that could pour oil on the fire."

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