Saturday, May 2, 2009

What kind of 2 States?

‘two states for two peoples’ is an empty, deceptive leftist slogan
Sara Eliash is the Yesha Council’s deputy chairwoman

We must admit that when it comes to demagoguery, the sophisticated Left is able to produce simple and catchy phrases. The fact that these slogans have nothing to do with the truth does not stop leftists from using them, knowing that most people won’t examine these catch-phrases too deeply. The slogans will get the job done. If they repeat the lie as many times as possible, perhaps people will ultimately be convinced.


For example, the slogan “two states for two people - so simple and so catchy. Numbers that create a sense of credibility. Seemingly it doesn’t get any better than this. But let’s look a little deeper: Are the numbers credible?


How many states have been established in the area that used to be called Palestine-Land of Israel? ... Anyone with eyes in their head understands that this experiment, which claimed the lives of our best people, has failed.


Hence, when you encounter this empty slogan, keep in mind that there were other such slogans in the past: “Peace Now” and “Peace is better than Greater Israel.” read more

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