Saturday, June 6, 2009

1919 Paris agreement between King Feisal and Weizmann

Haaretz talkback
By the principle of estoppel, the 1919 Paris agreement between King
Feisal and Weizmann which divided Palestine equally into a Jewish state
and an Arab state is the one and only defining instrument of
International Law.
Under this law, there is no `occupation`, there are no illegal
`settlement` etc. Jews are in fact obligated and encouraged to settle
the land. The only illegal action was by Churchill who `gave` the
Hashemites the land between the Jordan River and the Hejaz railway. In
creating the Kingdom of Jordan it was made illegal for Jews to own
property there. A clearly racist and illegal act. So in fact, the two
state solution was agreed 90 years ago! But only the Arab state was
created and it exceeded its allocated territory (from 50% to 78%).
It took the Hollocaust and a war of independence for the Jewish state to
be re-constituted!
The two state solution is still on `the books`, so enact it.

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