Wednesday, November 28, 2012


ask berel!

Zohar VaYeira 119a: (In the year (57)73): Then all the nations of the
world shall combine together against the daughter (or house) of Ya'akov
in order to drive her from the world. It is of that time that it is
written: "And it is a time of trouble unto Ya'akov, but out of it he
shall be saved" (Jeremiah 30:7) At that time all the souls in the
Heavenly storehouse of souls will be used up, and will need to be
re-created (that is the gilgulim of the 6 million Jews from the Shoah
will be alive in Eretz Yisrael)...And in the year (57)73 all the kngs of
the world will assemble in the Great City of Rome, Maryland?? (to
accomplish the above), and the Holy One Blessed Be He will shower on
them fire, hail, and meteorites until they are all destroyed, with the
exception of those who will not yet have arrived there yet (that is
those who were not so eager to come.) You see Daniel, there is nothing
to fear this time. G-d has the entire situation under control.

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