Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Obama Change

Obama administration demanded explanation for Israel's Fatah more

Australia gets it

visit the site

Friday, December 25, 2009

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Monday, December 21, 2009

Monday, December 14, 2009


"Es kann der frömmste nicht in Frieden leben, wenn es dem bösen Nachbar
nicht gefällt"
"Not even the most pious can live in peace when that doesn`t please
his/her evil neighbour."

British court issued Gaza arrest warrant for former Israeli minister Tzipi Livni

read more

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

10,000 people protest settlement freeze

The Jews have been evacuated more

Suspend your Zionism

Kadima chairwoman MK Tzipi Livni, can justifiably criticize him from a right-wing

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Monday, November 30, 2009

Friday, November 27, 2009

Friday, November 20, 2009

Abbas: People must resist

Hamas spokesman Fawzi Barhoum said, "He is suffering from a condition of political, legal and constitutional bankruptcy and he wants to cast all his failures on the Hamas movement, while whining about the failure in his relations with the Zionist enemy." ... read more

Call White House, Ask for Barack


Ynet Talkback

There has been a parade of liberals running through Israel and the surrounding areas, everyone from John Kerry to Dennis Kucinich. These lovers of peace yearn to do for the Jewish State what they did for Cambodia. Having learned nothing from the Pol Pot experience, they yet again insist that there exists a struggle between the cruel forces of Western imperialism and the persecuted indigenous peoples who are represented by freedom fighters….and while those freedom fighters pledge to commit genocide, let's not be overly concerned by the heated rhetoric of the moment.

Sure, the Palestinians may say they want to kill Jews, but what they mean is that they want peaceful coexistence with their cherished Jewish brethren.

It is the same recurring liberal fable that has literally claimed millions of innocent lives worldwide. Once more, the Democratic Party cannot distinguish between good and evil, even when evil is screaming at the top of its lungs about the atrocities it intends to commit. To Kerry and company, the problem is not the genocidal maniacs, be they the Khmer Rouge or the Viet Cong or Fatah or Hamas. The problem as they see it is that America's ally is imperfect. The solution as they see it - as liberals always see it - is to appease implacable murderers. And the more that strategy leads to mass murder, the more convinced liberals become that it is the only true way to peace.

Yet none dare call it insanity.

Italian women disappointed by Gaddafi "party"

read more

Third Intafada???

read more

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Aljazeera-Israel Discriminates

read the article and then go to the link to saudi arabia in the actual state department report. Fair and accurate reporting.

Implications of U.S. Military Training of Palestinian Security Forces,

Our friend Dayton... read more

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Unilateralism is our only option

read more

MK Ariel to Abbas: Make My Day, Declare Statehood

read more

PA State and EU

Speaking for the EU, Swedish foreign minister Carl Bildt said: "I would hope we would be in a position to recognize a Palestinian state but there has to be one first. So I think that is a bit premature... We would be ready to recognize a Palestinian state but conditions are not there as of yet.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Clinton and demography

Clinton noted that two things remain unchanged since slain prime minister Yitzhak Rabin spoke on the White House lawn in 1993: geography and demographics. He said that the Palestinians have more children than Israelis can have, adding that it is only a matter of time until Palestinian rockets have navigational systems, and they will be able to kill more people. Therefore, it is urgent that the Israelis and the Palestinians make peace... read more

Palestinians unveil two-year development plan for statehood

read more

Obama's failure, Netanyahu's opportunity

The shocking truth is that the demographic threat is an empty threat.
The demographic doomsday scenarios for Israel are all based on falsified
Palestinian census data from 1997 that inflated the number of
Palestinians in Israel, Judea, Samaria and Gaza by 50%. As the
independent American-Israel Demographic Research Group demonstrated in
early 2005, Israel has no reason to be concerned that by maintaining its
control over Judea and Samaria, it will become a majority Arab state.
Today, the combined population ofIsrael and Judea and Samaria leaves
Jews with a two-thirds majority. With Jewish immigration and fertility
rates rising, negative Arab immigration rates, and decreasing Arab
fertility rates, the long-term projections for Israel's demographic
viability are all positive...

Intel protest reveals haredi hypocrisy

I wonder how many people are getting very sick!
read more

Friday, November 13, 2009

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

The holy pilgrimage

read more

On 'exorcising' Israel bashers from the Jewish mainstream

read more

The Jew Flu: The strange illness of Jewish anti-Semitism

read more

Delusional Congressional Vote

Publicly, Hamas leaders have stated time and again that the lull is a
Palestinian national interest. On several occasions, Hamas members have
arrested Fatah operatives who were involved in firing at Israel and
confiscated their more

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Rabin record straight

read more

Ynet talkback- The people get it!

Who will destroy Israel first, Hamas/Fatah OR our own Jews? While the Pales may declare a state (67borders), J St is happy at their conference of 1200 shouting supporters of what is tantamount to Islamic Jihad, AND Israel's ultimate demise. Olmert and Livni don't get it, the Arabs want Israel Judenrein (sans Jews). They are jerks, gullible, wishful thinkers, who are intimidated by US. 1200 Israelis were murdered after Oslo1. 3,000 Americans were murdered at 911, WHILE Oslo was going on. Yet we Jews are blamed. This is not now, and never has been about Jew loving Arab/and vica versa. It's about an Arab state from the Med. to the Jordan River..and beyond. While Ahmad threatens we Jews, (40,000 suicide bombers worldwide), the IAEA head says not to worry, Qom is alright guys..just a bunker. Forget Ahmads rhetoric, after all, Begin changed his mind about the Pales existence. The head of Turkey likes the head of Sudan..better than Bibi (Bibi is a Jew). Funny, Bibi never killed 200,000 blacks..while the Sudanese Pres. gives the finger to the world court of justice. Here that Goldstone? To Israel: you are at war for your survival, get that into your thick heads.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

From China and the Moon

Jerusalem must be capital of both Israel and Palestine, UN chief more

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Friday, October 23, 2009

Monday, October 19, 2009

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Monday, October 12, 2009

Saturday, October 10, 2009

A Dogged Taliban Chief Rebounds, Vexing U.S.

Eight years later, Mullah Omar leads an more

Eric Hoffer and Israel

written in 1968 read more

Oren: Obama approval in Israel must improve

it is a sine qua non for progress in the peace process." more

Monday, October 5, 2009

Netanyahu's Quiet Success

important steps to restrain settlement activity." more


Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Our friends in Jordan

Jewish zealots and Israeli security forces clashed with Palestinian worshippers defending the sanctity of their holy sites from intruders in
and around the area more

A partner to Ram Emanuel

Jews are often our worst more

Friday, September 25, 2009

The restraining of Obama

The American recklessness resulting from the influence of the Israeli left has more

Thursday, September 24, 2009

The U.N.'s Anti-Antiterror Report

A biased 'finding' on Gaza could also apply to Afghanistan... read more

Obama: Our Leader

he keeps saying and doing things that defy satire... read more


he sounds just like Obama...amazing..listen now

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Goldstone Report is a Barrier to Peace

If Israel withdraws from West Bank...every country has the right to self defense under the United Nations Charter and under the rules of international more

Monday, September 21, 2009

Carter Says Israel Must Stop Building Settlements

"All 22 Arab countries have offered diplomatic recognition and full trade and commerce if Israel will withdraw from occupied territories" more

The Death Spiral of the Islamic Republic III

Is this accurate??? more

Carter for Sale

old story but especially relevant more

Column One: Our irredeemable international system

Instead of promoting global security, human rights, freedom and international peace, they facilitate war and aggression, human suffering and more

Friday, September 18, 2009

A Roadmap for Terrorists

all the military tactics our members can use to annihilate the Little Satan, i.e. Zionist enemy, the Big Satan, i.e. the United more

Say ‘no’ to Obama

My father, former PM Yitzchak more

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Netanyahu: PA Will Take Over Part of Israel

no desire to govern 1.5 million Arabs in Judea and Samaria... read more

Sunday, September 13, 2009

West returns to pre-Sept. 11 thinking

political-intellectual elite's investment in the politics of multiculturalism. more

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Sunday, September 6, 2009

We've got patience

within 10-20 years we’ll be deciding what will happen here... read more

Thursday, September 3, 2009

High Court: Why aren't laws enforced against Palestinians?

Supreme Court Justice Edna Arbel wonders how only three demolition orders issued in past 14 years read more

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Israel’s Political Hall Of Shame

Olmert became Israel's first former prime minister to be indicted on
criminal charges more

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Rabbi Weiss’ mafia

Most haredim are law-abiding citizens... read more

Iranian reporter: Swedish article on IDF organ harvesting 'credible'

Since the early 1970s the Israelis have snatched thousands of Palestinian bodies from hospitals in the territories and transferred them to the Abu Kabir Forensic Institute.. read more

Monday, August 31, 2009

Silicon Israel

How market capitalism saved the Jewish more

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Merkel: No comparison between Iran, Nazis

"We must make progress in the peace process...and a stopping of the settlement (building) is very important," Merkel said. "Time is of the essence,"... read more

Richard Branson: Without Mideast resolution, 'something ghastly' could happen

visited the refugee camp of Qalandiyah and ate the meal ending the daily Ramadan fast with more

Saturday, August 22, 2009

The lost Palestinian Jews

many Palestinians retain Jewish customs, including mourning rituals,
lighting Shabbat or memorial candles and even wearing more

Democratic rep. criticizes Obama demand for Israeli settlement freeze

Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas is waiting for the U.S. to present him Israel on a more

Obama Ramadan Greeting

On behalf of the American people – including Muslim communities in all fifty states – . Ramadan Kareem.... read more

Et tu, Netanyahu?

Caroline B. Glick
This week we discovered that we have been deceived. Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu's... read more

L.A. Jews mull boycott of Israel university over 'apartheid' op-ed

Dr. Neve Gordon of Ben-Gurion University in Be'er Sheva, a veteran peace activist, branded Israel as an apartheid state and said that a boycott was "the only way to save it from itself." more

Friday, August 21, 2009

'Dozens killed' in Yemen fighting

Yemen, one of the poorest Arab countries, is also combating a wave of al-Qaeda attacks and rising secessionist sentiment in the south... read more
time for 2 states for 2 people in Yemen<

Thursday, August 20, 2009

where is life not intolerable in the Arab world?

Palestinian Arabs are highly literate, richer and healthier than people in most other Arab more

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Ya'alon calls on state to drop 'illegal' qualifier from outposts

These are communities that were established with the state's more

Obama reaches out to Islamist parties in Pakistan

Liaqat Baloch, a top member of the religious, right-wing Jamaat-e-Islami party, welcomed the new administration's public change in tone toward Muslims around the more

Jerusalem’s Jewish history and the Temple denied

Oh [Sons of] Zion, no matter how much you dig and no matter how much you destroy, your imaginary Temple will not come into more

Huckabee in Jerusalem: No PA State in Holy Land

Israel deserves a safe more

Top Sweden newspaper says IDF kills Palestinians for their organs

Israeli soldiers are abducting Palestinians in order to steal their more

The Holocaust's shadow over Israel's choices

To remain Jewish will require apartheid measures that ensure Jewish minority control over land that will soon have a Palestinian-Arab more

Monday, August 17, 2009

Netanyahu: Israel will enforce law in West Bank

"These are not unlawful outposts, but rather legal settlements established by the government of Israel," Yishai more


"You cannot legislate the poor into freedom by legislating the wealthy out of freedom.  What one person receives without working for, another person must work for without receiving. The government cannot give to anybody anything that the government does not first take from somebody else.  When half of the people get the idea that they do not have to work because the other half is going to take care of them, and when the other half gets the idea that it does no good to work because somebody else is going to get what they work for, that my dear friend, is about the end of ANY nation.  You cannot multiply wealth by dividing it."
Dr. Adrian Rogers, 1931 - 2005

Friday, August 14, 2009

Hamas gunmen clash with radicals who declare 'Islamic emirate'

announced the start of theocratic rule in the Palestinian territories,
starting at Rafah, and vowed to implement Islamic laws.
... read more

Arab Journalist: Arab World Puts 'Refugees' Through Hell

FN:Michael L. Wise
ORG:Yadgim Partners
ADR;WORK:;;;Lawrence;New York
LABEL;WORK:Lawrence, New York

"These countries must stop treating the Palestinians like a plague...

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Mideast Peace Starts With Respect

by Ron Lauder
Note to Obama: The Palestinians still haven’t recognized the Jewish state... read more

Israel 'won't make Jordan Palestine'

At least 40,000 Palestinians are believed to have lost their status as Jordanian citizens in recent more

Analysis: How Fatah has evolved into the Palestinian Ba'ath party

Had it not been for the security fence and the construction in settlements, Fatah would be less more

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

The Two-State Solution Doesn’t Solve Anything

looking past the occupation to questions born in 1948 — Arab rejection of the newborn Jewish state and the dispossession and dislocation of Palestinian more

Monday, August 10, 2009

Fatah backs two-state solution, sharpening rift with Hamas

the armed struggle is a right reserved to us in international law," said
senior Fatah member Nabil Shaath.
... read more

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Bullying Israel

Israel--democratic, capitalist, Western, pro-American--is emblematic of all the things that Obama in the past has been skeptical about, since Israel appreciates our values, history, and what we stand for... read more

Friday, August 7, 2009

Who killed Arafat?!?

2,000 delegates rose to applaud the late leader's nephew Nasser al-Kidwa, former PLO ambassador to the UN, when he demanded the congress officially denounce Israel for being behind the "assassination" of the late PA more

According to Haaretz: Israel does have a Palestinian partner

What a sweet deal!!!
June 4, 1967 borders,  East Jerusalem as its capital, and solution to the refugee problem on the basis of UN Resolution 194. The convention rejected the demand to recognize Israel as the "state of the Jewish people"... read more 

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

JTA full disclosure

Jewish Telegraphic Agency, the main source of news coverage for the Jewish media - plays down the Fatah incitement to armed struggle at Fatah Congress in Bethlehem... read more

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Will Fatah Give Up the Armed Struggle,at Its Sixth General Congress?

Fatah retains the armed struggle as a strategy in order to liberate the whole of Palestine and eliminate more

Clinton slams Israel for evicting Arab families from East Jerusalem

the homes in question have been Jewish-owned for more than 80 years, and the eviction was ordered by a court because the Palestinian tenants
violated the terms of their rental more

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Judge: Israeli law applies in disputed West Bank territory

The judge based his decision partly on a statement by former foreign minister Tzipi Livni, who said in September 2006 that Israeli jurisdiction and administration applied to any disputed territory since more

Why Israel is Nervous?

read more

Min. Katz: Fatah platform draft is declaration of war on Israel

Fatah plans to oppose recognizing Israel as a Jewish more

Thursday, July 30, 2009

The 9th of Av's new tears

By Yisrael Medad
President Obama's policies toward Israel add fresh pain to a day of lament... read more


The apartheid paradigm fearfully evoked by Olmert has crept slowly but surely into mainstream political discourse on the Palestine more

Monday, July 27, 2009

Where does Solow Stand?

U.S. Jewish leader denies fallout with Obama over settlements more

Sunday, July 26, 2009


Roosevelt said subsequently that he had learned more in a five minute
conversation with the king about the problems of the more

National Jewish Leader Turns against Obama

Solow found "disturbing the objections raised to the proposed construction of residential units on property that was legally purchased. The area in question houses major Israeli governmental
agencies, including the national police headquarters... read more

Friday, July 24, 2009

The Prisons of the Arab Mind

a regressive, dogmatic interpretation of religion that is totally at odds with the realities of the age, with science and more

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Is Israel Safe for Jews?

interview with Michael Oren, the new Israeli ambassador to the
U.S., more

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

New conversion legislation underway

allows local rabbis to perform conversions more

Amman revoking Palestinians' citizenship

Reports in a number of Jordanian newspapers said that the Jordanian fans also chanted anti-Palestinian slogans and cursed Palestine, the PLO, Jerusalem and the Aksa motr

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

The Arab immigration wave

by Aluf Benn
An economic treasure is hidden there, a gold mine whose potential has barely been tapped: Israel's Arab more

Knesset Speaker: PA State, Nothing More than Autonomy,

invoked the lessons learned from the Gaza withdrawal in more

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Netanyahu: Jews can live anywhere in Jerusalem

"United Jerusalem is the capital of the Jewish people. Our sovereignty cannot be challenged."... read more

Israel's nuclear obsession

Iranian bomb - if one were ever built - would undermine Israel's cherished security doctrine of total regional military more

Friday, July 17, 2009

Stop Focusing on the Settlements

By Ehud Olmert
How to Achieve a Lasting Peace... read more

AJC Praises Obama for Stressing Commitment to Israel with Jewish Leaders

The President could not have been clearer that his primary motivation in seeking to re-energize an Israeli-Palestinian peace process is Israel's long-term more

Economic Revival and Security Raise Hopes in West Bank

NY Times
You don't appreciate the value of law and order until you lose more

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Netanyahu: Palestinian recognition of Jewish state 'key to peace'

Shalom also presented a list of projects that had been delayed for years due to various bureaucratic more

Saturday, July 11, 2009

There is no Palestinian Sadat, no Palestinian Mandela

Ari Shavit
It's true that I am short-tempered, Uzi Arad more

Does Netanyahu back two-state solution or not?

Aluf Benn
We have achieved national consensus on the concept of two states for two peoples... read more


even Yair Lapid gets more

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Hamas kiddie show

what sweet children

Fayad: Jews welcome in our future state

If Jews want to live in someplace like Hebron, or anyplace else in a Palestinian state, for whatever reasons or historical attachments, why should they not be treated the same way Israeli Arabs are? more

Iran today


Wednesday, July 8, 2009

WATCH: Settler attacks Peace Now activists

...documenting settlement construction... read more
If all the settlers went back to Europe. Peace would break out immediately!

Monday, July 6, 2009

Secret Failure

Ze'ev B. Begin
When the PLO negotiators were explicitly asked whether, after an agreement is reached to their satisfaction, they would agree to include in it a specific article stating that this puts an end to the dispute and terminates all further claims. The PLO leadership ominously answered in the more

Where is everyone?

Ben Caspit and Ben-Dror Yemini
Imagine that this were not happening now in Tehran, but rather here. Let's say in Nablus. Spontaneous demonstrations of Palestinians turning into an ongoing bloodbath... read more
read in hebrew

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Israel's reliable friend

Yoram Ettinger
Recent Israeli governments have underestimated the power of Congress... read more

Interview with Ron Dermer

The  first prime minister who has actually expressed a vast consensus in Israel... read more

No Amnesty for Israel in new report on Gaza

Forget the rockets from Gaza...Two days after last Christmas Israeli armed forces invaded the Gaza Strip killing 1400 Palestinians, almost all civilians including 300 children. read more

BBC pro-Israel?

Don't make me laugh!read more

PM: Int'l consensus on 2-state solution major accomplishment

The prime minister explained that the agreement was that "the Palestinians will need to recognize Israel as a Jewish state, the refugee issue will be resolved outside of Israel's borders, and that Israel needs and will get defensible borders that include the full demilitarization of the Palestinian territory." more
Ha'aretz added: The prime minister added that one of the most important achievements of the first 100 days of his administration was the infusion of "real meaning" into the two-state solution.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Endorsing Palestinian apartheid

Why does world accept notion of Palestinian state free of Jews?... read more

Israel is bullied because it acts like a doormat

When the norm is to submit to pressure, the pressures only more

The Germans know about Peace

Merkel demands Israeli construction in West Bank stop, saying it endangers 'two-state solution that is urgently needed'... read more

Just say “No” to the settlement freeze

By Ted Belman
The Arabs know what they want, and that is the end of more

Sarkozi, the Airbus 310-300 and Comoron

One-party state under Abdallah (Abu Mazen). Abdallah set up an authoritarian regime and the influence of traditional Islam increased. How compassionate were the French in Africa. Where was Lieberman when Africa needed him?... read more

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

We’ve Got Your Back on the Settlement Freeze, Mr. President

We cannot accept this vision absolutely, completely freezing these
settlements. I think we must keep natural growth... read more

Israel as brutal as Iran

The Huffington Post has an online reach equal to that of the New York Times and LA Times and exceeds that of MSNBC. Go to the bottom of the the Huffington Post article and add your comments to the talkback more

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Around the Net

When Obama receives his physical, he should have a brain scan, because there has got to be something terribly wrong "with a man who seems to be far more concerned with a Jew building a house in Israel than with Muslims building a nuclear bomb in Iran." 

In defense of 'settlements'

By Yisrael Medad
Jews belong in Judea and Samaria as much as Palestinians who stayed in more

Monday, June 29, 2009

Israeli Arabs flood Palestinian cities to boost ailing economy

There's huge demand from the Jewish side to actually purchase land in the Arab Old more

Hillary Is Wrong About the Settlements

The U.S. and Israel reached a clear understanding about natural growth. read more

Outpost watch

Where are the Arab settlers building? There is room for everyone. Just
drive around Yehuda and Shomron. It is more

The confused Barack Obama

With passage of time, greater doubts emerge over values guiding president... read more

Sunday, June 28, 2009

No more ethnic cleansing

Obama tells Jews where they can live... read more


President Obama is leaning on Israel rather than leaning on the terrorists

..the ultimate solution in Israel may not be a "two-state" solution, but a "one heart" solution.  He said, "Most Muslims in the Middle East are not hard-line.  They're very open to the gospel. more

Kadima MK Nachman Shai:

In contrast to his pre-election promises, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu is working assiduously to legitimize the rule of Hamas in Gaza, a terror organization ... read more

Israel's settlements are on shaky ground

Good old Sarah Leah!!
International law mandates that they must be removed and that the Palestinians should be compensated for their more

Clerical Errors

The conflict in Tehran between liberals and clergy is the tragedy of modern Iranian more

Friday, June 26, 2009

Aharon Barak: A State of All its Citizens

"A Jew has precedence when it comes to Aliyah [immigration], but as soon as he gets here, his rights should be equal to those of an Arab," more

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Mashaal rejects idea of demilitarized Palestine as 'pathetic'

Hamas politburo chief responds to Obama, Netanyahu speeches, says Palestinians 'reject Israel's position on the refugees, Jerusalem, and the Jewish state.' ... read more


A tyrant must put on the appearance of uncommon devotion to religion.
Subjects are less apprehensive of illegal treatment from a ruler whom
they consider god-fearing and pious. On the other hand, they do less
easily move against him, believing that he has the gods on his side.

The worst form of inequality is to try to make unequal things equal.

Both oligarch and tyrant mistrust the people, and therefore deprive
them of their arms.

Netanyahu Meet the Press

Demilitarized Palestinian State?

by Prof. MK Arieh Eldad
Once upon a time, there was such a state,"I don't think there's a Palestinian nation. There's an Arab nation. I don't think there's a Palestinian more

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

The Debate About Israeli Settlements

How To Help the Palestinian People

by Khaled Abu Toameh
Walid Omari, the head of the Qatar-based satellite TV station's operations in the West Bank, told Reporters Without Borders that his crew was preparing a report on the death of a detainee at the Palestinian Authority detention center in Hebron that might have been the result of torture... read more


The War Of Words That Israel Must Start Winning

Israel-bashing has become a national sport in many morel

Palestinians were made to pay an unfair price

Their refusal to accept the Partition Plan of more
Haaretz talkback
Ganz suffers from a syndrome in which born Jews hope that by accepting the cause of enemies of the Jews, they & the Jews will be spared the consequences of anti-Semitism. Sufferers of this syndrome truly believe in the false hope that those who hate Jews will change their attitude once Jews paliate one demand or another. It`s sick.

Obama's Wobbliness Is a Great Danger to Israel

by Mortimer Zuckerman
Obama's rhetoric only emboldens terrorists..
read more

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Our Egyptian Friends


'The Emperor has no clothes!'

by Jan Willem van der Hoeven
"Peace, peace," they say, when there is no peace (Jeremiah 8:11)...
read more

Encountering Peace: Dressing up the Palestinian state

by Gershon Baskin
Let us assume for a moment that the Palestinians accept all of Netanyahu's conditions - their state will be demilitarized, it will have no effective control of its external borders, its airspace, seaport, electromagnetic sphere. The Palestinians will agree to define the State of Israel as the state of the Jewish more

No holds barred: Spectator of the free world: Obama and Teheran

by Shmuley Boteach
"And Moses looked this way and that way and saw there was no man. Then he smote the Egyptian." When Moses saw there was none but him to address this moral outrage, he sacrificed his cushy position in Egyptian society and acted to right a wrong. read more

PM Fayad: Palestinian state within 2 years

He refused to back down from the Palestinian stance that there would be no peace negotiations until a West Bank settlement freeze. more

Olmert pulling out

Olmert's proposal implies Israeli willingness to give up sovereignity over the Temple Mount, the Old City and the Mount of more

enemy of my enemy

"You never know what will disappear in Iran first – their enriched uranium or their poor government," said Mr. more

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Settlers and Peace in Iran

If only the settlers would go back to Europe and Moslem countries there would be peace in Iran

Column One: Israel's rare opportunity

b Caroline Glick
The revolutionary atmosphere building in Iran presents Israel with a prospect it has rarely confronted: a safe more

Think before you speak

JOHN KERRY, Washington
The grass-roots protests that have engulfed Iran since its presidential election last week have grabbed America's attention and captured headlines — unfortunately, so has the clamor from neoconservatives urging President Obama... read more

Friday, June 19, 2009

Obama's Real Agenda: Israel's Dimona Nuclear Facility

As long as Islamists think that Obama is on their side, they'll refrain from attacking, keep the oil flowing and the prices more

Feiglin on Obama

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Security or History?

Post Modernism

Time for Jews to Abandon the Old Foundation Myth of Israel?

  • You cannot assume that your opponents are out to destroy your very existence, simply because they are trying to drive a hard bargain;
  • You cannot assume that all the fault and blame for the problem lies with your opponents;
  • You cannot let your self-esteem rest on showing your strength by being intransigent, prejudging outcomes, and inflicting defeats on your opponent....
  • read more

    Tuesday, June 16, 2009

    Full text of Netanyahu's foreign policy speech at Bar Ilan

    Palestinian Response to Netanyahu's Speech

    June 16, 2009 Khaled Abu Toameh, Journalist
    The Palestinian leadership's reaction was so fierce that some of its senior representatives went as far as hurling personal insults against Netanyahu, calling him a "fraud," a "nobody" and a "liar."... read more

    Mix oil and vinegar

    Ladies and gentlemen, you may know of the Danish psychologist Nicolai Sennels, who recently said that Muslim integration in the West is simply impossible. Now, that is not a novel idea. A certain Frenchman said pretty much the same thing in 1959. I quote, “Those who recommend integration must be considered pea-brained even if they are scholars and scientists. Just try mixing oil and vinegar. Then shake the bottle. After a moment the two substances will separate again. Do you really believe French society could absorb ten million Muslims, who would be twenty million tomorrow and forty million the day after? In fact, my own village would no longer be Colombey-les-deux-Églises but would rather come to be known as Colombey-les-deux-mosques.”
    This quote, you guessed it, is from none other than the former French President Charles de Gaulle.

    Monday, June 15, 2009

    Reaction to Netanyahu speech creates strange bedfellows

    Ben Caspit, writing in the same newspaper, called the speech "one small step for the peace process, one giant leap for Binyamin Netanyahu...
    read more

    Evangelical support is eroding

    Brian Schrauger is director of radio broadcasting for Israel World TV
    Israel's military campaign in Gaza should have been named "8,000 is enough!" This would have communicated a determination to stop the barrage of missiles from Hamas... read more

    A brilliant expose by PM Netanyahu

    No Arab (or anyone for that matter who opposes Zionism) could possibly
    agree to the very fair and reasoned analysis presented by Netanyahu!

    There can never be a Palestinian "state" that does not include Jerusalem, that does not include "refugees" west of the Jordan River, that does not have the ability to "defend" itself, that recognizes Israel as a Jewish State, and that accepts substantive "adjustments" to the 1948/9 cease fire lines.

    Now that Netanyahu has forthrightly confronted the irresolvable issues, Israel can continue to be mired in the echoes of Oslo or can move forward in an affirmative way with a real alternative to the complex array of two-state plans.

    A Jewish View of Netanyahu’s Speech by Prof . Paul Eidelberg

    worth reading....

    Thursday, June 11, 2009

    Yes to road map. No to settlement freeze

    Netanyahu's speech:
    By Aluf Benn and Barak Ravid

    Netanyahu will present a few conditions for the implementation of the
    road map, above all a Palestinian recognition of Israel as the homeland
    of the Jewish people. He will also demand that the future Palestinian
    state be demilitarized more


    An Israeli arrives at London?s Heathrow airport.
    As he fills out the entry form, the immigration officer asks him: "OCCUPATION? "
    The Israeli promptly replies: "NO, NO, JUST VISITING!"

    Wednesday, June 10, 2009

    Netanyahu May Favor Andorra-Like Solution

    ...The new state would be like Andorra, the small country between France and Spain, and would have recognized borders. Andorra, only 468 square kilometers (181 square miles) in size and with a population of 90,000, is a member of the United Nations, but responsibility for its defense lies with France and more

    Minister Yaalon rejects swift peace process

    Creation of Palestinian state within two years may lead to establishment of Hamastan in West Bank, strategic affairs minister tells Washington audience; 'Let us begin to talk about building infrastructure for peace,' ... read more

    Tuesday, June 9, 2009

    Are Judaism and Christianity as Violent as Islam?

    There is far more violence in the Bible than in the
    Qur' more

    Send this link to Obama and Hillary

    The identity of the Land
    another interview
    Hebrew too strong to distribute.

    Supreme Court Could Use More Jewish Law

    The committee is chaired by Justice Minister Yaakov Ne'eman, and includes Environment Minister Gilad Erdan, Supreme Court Chief Justice Dorit Beinisch, Supreme Court justices Edmond Levi and Ayala Procaccia, and two Israel Bar Association members.... read more

    Saturday, June 6, 2009

    Settlement Myth

    by Charles Krauthammer, Friday, June 5, 2009

    President Obama repeatedly insists that American foreign policy be conducted with modesty and humility. Above all, there will be no more "dictating" to other countries...In Middle East negotiations, he told al-Arabiya, America will henceforth "start by listening, because all too often the United States starts by dictating." more

    1919 Paris agreement between King Feisal and Weizmann

    Haaretz talkback
    By the principle of estoppel, the 1919 Paris agreement between King
    Feisal and Weizmann which divided Palestine equally into a Jewish state
    and an Arab state is the one and only defining instrument of
    International Law.
    Under this law, there is no `occupation`, there are no illegal
    `settlement` etc. Jews are in fact obligated and encouraged to settle
    the land. The only illegal action was by Churchill who `gave` the
    Hashemites the land between the Jordan River and the Hejaz railway. In
    creating the Kingdom of Jordan it was made illegal for Jews to own
    property there. A clearly racist and illegal act. So in fact, the two
    state solution was agreed 90 years ago! But only the Arab state was
    created and it exceeded its allocated territory (from 50% to 78%).
    It took the Hollocaust and a war of independence for the Jewish state to
    be re-constituted!
    The two state solution is still on `the books`, so enact it.

    Chris Matthews feels a tingling going up and down his leg

    Nothing President Obama accomplished on his recent tour can give any comfort to the Christians and Jews. It remains to be seen whether his "outreach to Muslims" will bear any but the bitterest of more

    Israel Hi-Tech

    Fatah says Hamas arresting its men in Gaza

    Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas's faction accused Hamas Islamists on
    Saturday of arresting some 150 Fatah activists in Gaza, in apparent
    retaliation for raids that killed four Hamas men in the West Bank this more

    Friday, June 5, 2009

    The End of America’s Strategic Alliance with Israel?

    by Caroline Glick...In 1922 the League of Nations mandated Great Britain
    to facilitate the reconstitution of the Jewish commonwealth in the Land
    of Israel on both sides of the Jordan River. The international
    community's decision to work towards the reestablishment of Jewish
    sovereignty in Israel owed to its recognition of the Jewish people's
    legal, historic, and moral rights to our homeland.

    Arab propaganda finds this basic and fundamental truth inconvenient. So
    for the past 60 years, the Arabs have been advancing the fiction that
    Israel's existence owes solely to European guilt over the Holocaust. As
    far as the Arabs are concerned, the Jews have no legal, historic, or
    moral right to what the Arabs see as Islamic land...
    read more

    Ex-Defense Minister Arens: 'We Must Build Up Settlements'

    "I do not accept the terms of 'natural growth.' We are not living in
    Judea and Samaria because of our 'natural growth,' but because of our
    rights." more

    Obama Will Not Make a Difference

    by Prof. Sami Alrabaa

    Islamic terrorism and a severe global economic crisis added impetus to
    his success. Rhetorically talented and charismatic figures usually
    flourish in crises. But will rhetoric and charisma help Mr. Obama
    succeed at home and in the Middle East?
    read more

    Thursday, June 4, 2009

    Shulamit Aloni / Israel is controlled by religious fanaticism

    By Shulamit Aloni
    ...Rothschild explains why he refuses to support the establishment of a
    Jewish state in the Land of Israel...
    read more

    Wednesday, June 3, 2009

    So What's your solution?

    By Moshe Arens
    The defeat of Palestinian terrorism could open the possibility of
    implementing any of the above four solutions...
    read more

    Good old Abe is at it again

    Abraham Foxman
    Israel should simply find a way to acknowledge that a solution to the conflict requires a Palestinian more

    Mideast survival guide

    Mordechai Kedar
    We need patience, ideology, and endurance to survive in Middle more

    Tuesday, June 2, 2009

    Egypt launches 'moderate' satellite TV

    ..It will initially broadcast in Arabic and English, with a view to later expanding to programs that will include Hindi and more

    Monday, June 1, 2009

    Obama's Priorities

    Global economic trauma and aftermath; Iraq; Iran; Afghanistan; Korea;
    Pakistan; 1.5 million Arabs living in Judea and Samaria

    US Jews discomfited by rightist bills

    May. 27, 2009 by Haviv Rettig Gur, THE JERUSALEM POST
    Several new legislative initiatives from right-wing parties are causing discomfort among mainstream US Jewish advocacy organizations.. read more

    Demography is central to the Israeli-Palestinian dispute

    Monday, June 1, 2009

    EDITORIAL: Middle East Fertility Wars

    What does Hillary Rodham Clinton have against Jewish babies?... read more

    Wednesday, May 27, 2009

    Ya'alon said

    Educational Reform:
     The PA currently teaches Arab children that the entirety of Israel is an illegal colonialist entity, Yaalon said, and denies any historic Jewish connection to the Land of Israel. In addition, the PA teaches Jihad (holy war) against Israel and honors suicide bombers.

    Changing the PA school system to teach the value of life, not of death, and to accurately portray Jewish history is crucial, he said.

    Economic Reform:
     In order to create a viable economy, the PA must strengthen small businesses and create a stable middle class, Yaalon said.

    Attempts to create a PA economy through international aid have failed due to a corrupt PA leadership that misappropriates funds, and terrorist groups that attempt to keep PA Arabs living in poverty, he said. To avoid the problems posed by corrupt leadership, the world should focus on PA businessmen and support their initiatives.

    Political Reform:
    Beyond creating a political entity, the PA must allow for freedom of expression, freedom of the press and protect human rights.

    Yaalon referred to “the American mistake” of supporting strong dictators over true democratic activists. Activists who seek true democracy and freedom should win encouragement from the West, he said.

    Legal Reform:
     The goal should be “One authority, one law, one weapon,” Yaalon said, referring to the disarming of rogue terrorist groups and the enforcement of law throughout the PA territories.

    Security Reform:
     The PA must begin to truly fight terrorism, Yaalon said. Among other things, the PA must rid itself of the “revolving door” by which terrorists serve only light sentences, and the sentencing of terrorists who murdered Israelis for “harming the public interest” instead of “murder.” These things encourage terrorism, he said.

    On November 15, 1988 Yasser Arafat declared independence for the state of Palestine.

    Gershon Baskin , THE JERUSALEM POST

    There is no solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict other than "two states for two peoples." Any other proposal guarantees the continuation of the conflict and the end of the Zionist enterprise, the State of Israel... read more

    Why 2-State Solution Didn't Work

    ( A Knesset conference Tuesday brought MKs and military and
    intelligence experts together to discuss reasons for the failure of the
    "two-state solution."... read more

    Alternatives to two-states

    כנס חלופה לרעיון 'שתי מדינות לשני עמים'

    Tuesday, May 26, 2009

    Israel disavows MK's proposal to turn West Bank over to Jordan

    ... The setting up of a Palestinian state that lives in peace with
    Israel "represents a supreme strategic interest for Jordan", the
    minister was quoted as telling the Israeli
    envoy.... read more

    PA: Settlers can become Palestinian citizens

    ...residents of Ma'aleh Adumim or Ariel who would rather stay in their homes could live under Palestinian rule and law, just like the Israeli Arabs who live among you. They could hold Palestinian and Israeli more

    Monday, May 25, 2009

    Welcome to Israel

    Ted Belman


    011 972 (0)54 441 3252

    Peres: Israeli concessions brought on rockets

    ...After the Gaza experience, Israel could not be expected to withdraw
    from Judea and Samaria while rockets continued to threaten its citizens,
    he more

    Obama said!!

    " If we resume negotiations, as we plan to do, then I think that the
    Palestinians will have to recognize Israel as a Jewish state; will
    have to also enable Israel to have the means to defend itself. And if
    those conditions are met, Israel's security conditions are met, and
    there's recognition of Israel's legitimacy, its permanent legitimacy,
    then I think we can envision an arrangement where Palestinians and
    Israelis live side by side in dignity, in security, and in peace."

    Death of Israel?

    Obama may have held the first White House seder, but he's not planning
    to spend next year in Jerusalem... read more
    read more

    Wednesday, May 20, 2009

    two state woolsey a good republican!

    Peace isn't Arab goal

    WHO FAVORS a two-state solution to the Arab-Israeli conflict?

    President Obama does, of course, as he made clear in welcoming Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to the White House on Monday. So does former president George W. Bush, who began advocating Palestinian statehood in 2002 and continued until his final days in office. The Democratic Party's national platform endorses a two-state solution; the Republican platform does, too. The UN Security Council unanimously reaffirmed its support a few days ago, and the European Union is strongly in favor as well... read more

    Israel 'deaf' to two-state solution

    "If we resume negotiations then I think the Palestinians will have to recognise Israel as a Jewish state and also enable Israel to have the means to defend itself," Netanyahu said.

    Following the meeting, Netanyahu said: "I did not say two states for two peoples."

    He also said that Israel did not want to govern the Palestinians.

    "We want them to govern themselves [minus] a handful of powers that could endanger the state of Israel," Netanyau said... read more

    Tuesday, May 19, 2009

    Obama approach to Mideast peace makes U.S. less secure

    By Frank J. Gaffney, Jr.
    This is a lousy time to have a president in the White House who is, apparently, contemptuous of Winston Churchill... read more

    Obama Iran Strategy

    quoted from Haaretz
    Obama set a rough timetable for his diplomatic outreach to Iran for the first time on Monday. "The important thing is to make sure there is a clear timetable," he said. "By the end of the year we should have some sense whether or not these discussions [involving Iran] are starting to yield significant benefits." Obama also said he was not closing off a "range of steps" against Iran, including sanctions, if it continues its nuclear program, which Washington believes is aimed at producing an atomic weapon but Tehran says is for peaceful purposes.

    He also held out the prospect of tougher sanctions against Tehran "to ensure that Iran understands we are serious." Obama stressed that attempts by the Bush administration to isolate Iran had failed, "so what we are going to try to do is do something different." He said he hoped to begin negotiations with Tehran soon, after Iran holds elections next month. Iran's leaders have so far rebuffed his efforts to reach out to them and toughened their rhetoric.

    Moslem Religious War against the Jews

    Friday, May 15, 2009

    Two States will lead to Collapse of Israel

    Special Dispatch - No. 2358
    Palestinian Ambassador to Lebanon Abbas Zaki: Two-State Solution Will Lead to the Collapse of Israel: "With the two-state solution, in my opinion, Israel will collapse, because if they get out of Jerusalem, what will become of all the talk about the Promised Land and the Chosen People? What will become of all the sacrifices they made – just to be told to leave? They consider Jerusalem to have a spiritual status. The Jews consider Judea and Samaria to be their historic dream. If the Jews leave those places, the Zionist idea will begin to collapse...
    read more

    Abbas: Man of Peace??

    Fear causes Abbas to delay new gov't... read more May. 14, 2009
    Khaled Abu Toameh , THE JERUSALEM POST

    Christians who face the Church's tragic legacy

    Christians who face the Church's tragic legacy
    May. 13, 2009

    Like so many of my Israeli friends, I too have been disappointed with the pope's visit to Jerusalem this week... read more

    PA has not changed

    We Fooled You, We Intend to Destroy You. So Now What Will You Give Us?

    Barry Rubin is director of the Global Research in International Affairs (GLORIA) Center and editor of the Middle East Review of International Affairs (MERIA) Journal.

    When talking among themselves and in Arabic, Middle East radicals often "let their hair down," to use the English-language idiom, meaning talk frankly about how they are fooling the dumb rubes in the West and what their real goals are... during the Oslo peace process era, from 1994 to 2000, Israel admitted more than 200,000 Palestinians to the West Bank and the Gaza more

    Thursday, May 14, 2009

    Read this Bibi

    by Irwin N. Graulich
    May 14, 2009

    Monday, May 18th, 2009...a day that will live in infamy. How do you tell President Obama, Secretary of State Clinton and Special Envoy Mitchell that a Palestinian State simply will not work? How does Benjamin Netanyahu explain to the American Liberal that compromise for the creation of a 49th Muslim nation is the kiss of death?....  read more

    All pigs must die

    because they descend from Jews:
    According to Egyptian Islamic scholar

    by Itamar Marcus & Barbara Crook, May 13, 2009

    All pigs alive today are descendants of the Jews who were turned into
    pigs by Allah, according to a senior Egyptian religious leader. Since
    all pigs are descendants of Jews, it is obligatory to kill all pigs,
    says Sheikh Ahmed Ali Othman.

    Presumably if pigs were merely animals, they would not face destruction.
    It is their Jewish ancestry that condemns them to death...

    read more

    Jews first then Christians

    Ignoring the Real Causes of Christian Exodus

    Time reporter blames Israel and the West for Muslim intolerance

    Pope Benedict’s visit to Israel this week has increased media attention on the plight of Christians in the Middle East and their declining...
    read more

    Wednesday, May 13, 2009

    Demography Governs Policy

    Demography has been used in Israel for decades by both left and right to
    advance and justify policies in the territories and regarding borders.
    Early advocates of a withdrawal from Gaza and the West Bank, for
    example, cited, in addition to moral arguments, the fear that Arabs
    would eventually outnumber Jews in the land under Israeli control...

    read more

    Tuesday, May 12, 2009

    NY Times: Advice for Bibi


    An Agenda for Mr. Netanyahu

    May 11, 2009

    President Obama has set clear and appropriate priorities ahead of the visit to Washington on May 18 by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel. read more

    Monday, May 11, 2009

    PA Muslim Leader

    The Fatah-appointed sheikh, then-chairman of the PA's Islamic Law
    Council, stated, "The Jews are destined to be persecuted, humiliated,
    and tortured forever, and it is a Muslim duty to see to it that they
    reap their due. No petty arguments must be allowed to divide us. Where
    Hitler failed, we must succeed."

    Tamimi has also called on Muslims to pray for the destruction of the
    United States... read more

    Will Bibi Cave-in?

    If I were Netanyahu

    Bibi must inform Obama Israel no shtetl that can be bullied into submission
    Martin Sherman

    “…An increasingly intolerant and hostile world…thinks sacrificing Israel’s vital interests or even the state itself would be a small price to pay for ending the global confrontation between the West and Islamic fundamentalism.” (Prof. Eytan Gilboa, October 2006),2506,L-3714381,00.html   read more

    Sunday, May 10, 2009


    Time for Arab Municipal Governance on the West Bank of the Jordan

    Peace for Peace with Syria

    Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu told a group of Russian-language reporters Thursday that Israel will never withdraw from the Golan Heights. read more

    Did Israel Policy Create Anti-Zionists??

    The paradox of Israel's pursuit of might., Saturday 9 May 2009
    Forty years ago, I was enraptured by Israel's courageous sense of mission. For me today, as for many, that idealism has palled. I first visited Israel in 1969. It was a time when much of the western world was still passionately enthused about the country's triumph in the 1967 six-day war. President Nasser had for years promised to sweep the Israelis into the sea. Instead, the tiny Jewish state, less than 20 years old, had engaged the armies of three Arab nations, and crushingly defeated them all. The Israelis successively smashed through Nasser's divisions on the western front, scaled and seized the Golan Heights, and snatched east Jerusalem and the West Bank in the face of Hussein's highly capable Jordanian army. Sinai was left strewn with the boots of fleeing Egyptians. read more

    How Dare the Jews Dig in King David's Backyard?

    Parks Fortify Israel's Claim to Jerusalem

    Published: Sunday, May 10, 2009 at 5:13 a.m.
    Last Modified: Sunday, May 10, 2009 at 5:13 a.m.

    JERUSALEM — Israel is quietly carrying out a $100 million, multiyear development plan in some of the most significant religious and national heritage sites just outside the walled Old City here as part of an effort to strengthen the status of Jerusalem as its capital.

    Click to enlarge
    Palestinians sit among billboards promoting park space on land widely seen as the ancient capital of the biblical King David.
    Rina Castelnuovo for The New York Times

    The plan, parts of which have been outsourced to a private group that is simultaneously buying up Palestinian property for Jewish settlement in East Jerusalem, has drawn almost no public or international scrutiny. However, certain elements related to it — the threatened destruction of unauthorized Palestinian housing in the redevelopment areas, for example — have brought widespread condemnation.

    But as Pope Benedict XVI prepares to visit Christian sites here this week and as the Obama administration promotes a Palestinian state with parts of Jerusalem as its capital, Israeli activity in the area, known as the holy basin — land both inside and just outside the Old City — will be cause for growing concern and friction.

    "Everything Israel does now will be highly contentious," said Robert H. Serry, the United Nations special Middle East coordinator, on a recent tour of East Jerusalem. He warned the Israeli authorities "not to take actions that could pour oil on the fire."

    Thursday, May 7, 2009

    Lovely Balanced Headline

    New York Times
    May 7, 2009
    World Briefing | Middle East

    Gaza Militants and Israel Exchange Fire

    Militants in Gaza fired five mortar shells into a field in southern Israel on Wednesday, and Israel retaliated with airstrikes on three smuggling tunnels along Gaza’s border with Egypt, the Israeli military said. Palestinian medical officials said that four Palestinians were wounded in the Israeli strikes. The military wing of Hamas claimed responsibility for the mortar fire, according to the Palestinian news agency Maan. On Monday, the Syria-based leader of Hamas, Khaled Meshal, told The New York Times in an interview that his group was not firing at Israel currently as “part of an evaluation of the movement to serve the people’s interest.” Israel Radio reported Wednesday that Mr. Meshal had been criticized by other Palestinian groups for his remarks.

    What Are the Mullahs Up To?

    May 7, 2009 6:30 AM | Nicholas Guariglia
    Foreign Policy Analyst and Columnist

    What Are the Mullahs Up To?

    Be forewarned: the possibility exists that Ayatollah Khamenei is using Mir-Hossein Mousavi as a sham presidential contestant for Iran's upcoming presidential "election" June 12th.  Supreme Leader Khamenei could use a hypothetical Mousavi presidency as a ploy to fool the world into believing Iran has turned a positive corner — all the while, the mullahs will simply be buying time to ascertain nuclear weaponry.  read more

    Wednesday, May 6, 2009

    New Arab "Peace" Plan??

    Report: Arabs drafting 'moderate' peace initiative by Roee Nahmias

    Al-Quds al-Arabi quotes Palestinian sources as saying that Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Jordan revising Arab peace plan at Obama's request to make it acceptable to US, Israel; new initiative to call for settling Palestinian refugees in Arab countries, future Palestinian state

    Quoting Palestinian sources, the London-based Arabic language newspaper al-Quds al-Arabi reported Wednesday that the leaders of the moderate Arab countries are revising the Saudi peace initiative in order to make it more acceptable to Israel.
    ...,2506,L-3711551,00.html read more

    Football to Faith

    Alan Veingrad

    Far Out?

    Obama's Plan to Destroy Israel

    Daniel Greenfield is a New York City based writer and freelance commentator.

    If there's one thing that the Carter Administration can be given credit for, it's creating the new wave of Islamist terrorism, both Sunni, operating out of Afghanistan, and Shiite, operating out of Iran. The Carter Administration cracked down on Israel and put its "faith" in Muslim terrorists, who then went on to wage war on America, even while Carter was in office.

    28 years after Carter was removed from office, we're in reruns again with the Obama Administration, which is not only following the Carter line, but whose plans greatly exceed it. 28 years ago, Wahhabi Sunni and Shiite terrorists were generally an afterthought when compared to the standard USSR backed Marxist terrorist groups, such as the PLO.

    Today, thanks in part to the Carter Administration, they control several countries and have designs on several more. From Pakistan to Afghanistan, from Gaza to Lebanon, from the Middle East to Southeast Asia, the threat is very real and bigger than ever particularly as the race by both Sunni and Shiite groups to build and deploy nuclear weapons more

    Tuesday, May 5, 2009

    Netanyahu: Peace and Security

    w w w . h a a r e t z . c o m

    Last update - 11:43 05/05/2009

    Netanyahu to AIPAC: We want peace with Arab world

    By Natasha Mozgovaya, Haaretz Correspondent

    In an unexpectedly short speech before AIPAC's policy conference delegates late Monday night, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu stated his desire to pursue Mideast peace talks, and voiced his concern over Iran's progressing nuclear program....
    "Peace will not come without security, so I want to be very clear - we shall never compromise on Israel's security. Second, for a final peace settlement to be achieved, the Palestinians must recognize Israel as a Jewish state. They must recognize Israel as a nation state of the Jewish people."
    read more

    Obama the Untested

    Dispatch May 4, 2009 by Robert D. Kaplan

    A look ahead to the crises—from Russian power plays to Israeli military strikes—that could really show us what the president is made of.

    The American media has just released an avalanche of reports assessing President Barack Obama’s first 100 days in office. Ignore it all. It doesn’t matter. The revealing part of his presidency hasn’t begun yet. At about this point in his presidency, George W. Bush had, with the help of his secretary of state, Colin Powell, just won the release of the crew of a U.S. spy plane from China, leading the world media elite to declare Bush a pragmatic president in foreign affairs, and Powell his most important advisor. As for Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, it was said that he would be gone by summer—a short-serving and utterly forgettable secretary of defense. 9/11, of course, still lay in the future.

    read more

    Pakistan and Hamastan

    MK Katz: Pakistan Situation Proves Dangers of 2-State Solution

    by Hillel Fendel

    ( Rahm Emanuel, Chief of Staff to U.S. President Barack Obama, told a large group of AIPAC supporters on Sunday that American efforts to stop Iran’s nuclear program depend on progress in Israel’s peace talks with the Palestinian Authority. So reported Channel One’s Mabat TV news report.

    MK Yaakov Katz, chairman of the Ichud Leumi (National Union) party, says the veiled threat by Emanuel should be rebuffed and exposed for what it is: “He is basically telling Israel to commit suicide in exchange for American consent to consider dealing with the Iranian threat to the world.

    What Emanuel is saying is that in order for the U.S. to agree to act against the nuclear program that threatens not only Israel, but entire other nations around the world, the price is that Israel should commit suicide - i.e., we must agree to a two-state solution that will see Hamas threatening us with its missiles not only from Gaza, as it is now, but from the very heart of Israel as well, in Judea and Samaria.”...

    read more

    Sunday, May 3, 2009

    Definition of Israel

    Barriers to Equality: the Arabs in Israel

    Hasson Shlomo and Karayanni Michael  2006

    Which do you prefer? Israel is a

    Jewish democratic state
    Jewish democratic state with a national Arab minority
    Jewish democratic, multicultural state
    read more

    Saturday, May 2, 2009

    AIPAC Case Dropped

    The AIPAC Case in Washington, Iraq, and Beyond

    David Bromwich,  Professor of Literature at Yale, Posted May 2, 2009

    The New York Times story today on the dropping of the government case against the AIPAC lobbyists Steven Rosen and Keith Weissman comes in separate parts, not entirely signaled by paragraph breaks or outward format. The report by Neil A. Lewis and David Johnston sets out to answer three questions. What was this investigation about? Who is pleased and who displeased by the reversal? And why was the case dropped at just this moment? ...
    read more


    The 12th Imam: What Is An Imam?
    What is the 12th Imam? According to Islamic belief, an Imam is an anointed leader or ruler. Especially among the Shia beliefs an Imam is thought (though not required), to be a prayer leader or cleric when the word is capitalized...
    The Shiite interpretation is that only Allah can appoint an Imam and no man has the power to do so. The 12th Imam is said to be a descendent of the Prophet Muhammad, having divine status as did each of this succession of sons. The 12th Imam is also called the Hidden Imam and the Mahdi (guided one).

    The 12th Imam: Who Is The 12th Imam?
    Within the Shiite, (which is predominate in Iran), it is prophesied that there is a coming 12th Imam who is the great spiritual savior. This Imam is named Abu al-Qasim Muhammad or also called Muhammad al Mahdi. He is said to have been born the son of the 11th Imam, Hasan Al-Askari and his wife, the granddaughter of an Emperor. There are conflicting statements of her name being either Fatima or Nargis Khatoon...It said he has been ‘in hiding’ in caves ever since but will supernaturally return just before the Day of Judgment. According to the Hadith the criteria for the Hidden Imam are:

    • He will be a descendant of Muhammad and the son of Fatima
    • Will have a broad forehead and pointed nose
    • Will return just before the end of the world
    • His appearance will be preceded by a number of prophetic events during 3 years of horrendous world chaos, tyranny and oppression
    • Will escape from Madina to Mekkah, thousands will pledge allegiance to him
    • Will rule over the Arabs and the world for 7 years
    • Will eradicate all tyranny and oppression bringing harmony and total peace
    • Will lead a prayer in Mekkah which Jesus will be at his side and follow in
    Remarkably, the 12th Imam theory plays heavily into the world’s current concerns with Iran. The Shiite Muslim President of Iran, Ahmadinejad, is deeply committed to the Islamic Messiah, al Mahdi. There have been many through the years claiming to be the Hidden Imam but Ahmadinejad believes he is yet to come. He claims that he is to personally prepare the world for the coming Mahdi. In order to save the world, it must be in a state of chaos and subjugation. Ahmadinejad claims he was “directed by Allah to pave the way for the glorious appearance of the Mahdi”. This apocalyptic directive includes some very scary proclamations.

    The 12th Imam: Why Is This Especially Important Now?
    While Christians look for Jesus’ 2nd coming, the Jews await the Messiah and Muslims await the 12th Imam. However, of the three, Allah’s designated Mahdi is the only one who demands a violent path to conquer the world. Mr. Ahmadinejad, and his cabinet, say they have a ‘signed contract’ with al Mahdi in which they pledge themselves to his work. What does this work involve? In light of concerns over Iran’s nuclear capabilities, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has reportedly stated Israel should be wiped off the map...
    This notion and goal, along with a violent hatred of infidels, America and Israel reminds us of Biblical prophecies of the coming anti-Christ and the pledges of millions to a deceiving False Messiah who will claim to bring peace. Could this 12th Imam Mahdi and his servant Ahmadinejad spark the last days of the coming true Savior? "">read more